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pandora rings The highest absolute 10 year risks of ischaemic heart disease of 53% and 41% were found in men aged 70 79 years with and without xanthelasmata. Xanthelasmata represent areas of macrophages containing lipids, of which the major constituent is cholesteryl esters but the exact pathophysiology is not known.1 Arcus corneae (or arcus senilis) is a grey white yellowish opacity located near the periphery of the cornea but separated from the limbic margin by a clear corneal zone.2 Arcus corneae represents deposits of cholesteryl ester rich lipid particles, which are thought to be selectively trapped in the extracellular matrix in the stroma of the cornea.2 Although xanthelasmata and arcus corneae both consist mainly of cholesteryl esters, on average half of people presenting with xanthelasmata and arcus corneae have relatively low lipid concentrations.1 3For both xanthelasmata and arcus corneae, lipids originate from plasma lipoproteins. Furthermore, similar mechanisms may be involved in the formation of xanthelasmata and atherosclerotic plaques, and formation of arcus corneae can be induced by experimental hypercholesterolaemia.3 4 These findings suggest that xanthelasmata and arcus corneae are markers of proatherogenic changes in the vessels and thus markers of atherosclerosis pandora rings.

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